Richard Erskine, a Look at the Author
Autori: Vinella Patrizia
On the occasion of the tenth edition of the PerFormat National Conference “Building health: breath, movement, sociability” held in Pisa, Italy (October 14-15, 2017), we had the pleasure to offer our audience a video interview with Richard Erskine. Caterina Romaniello interviewed him in Rome on the occasion of his last seminar held in Italy on the relational methods of integrative psychotherapy. In the interview Richard Erskine takes us on a fascinating journey from his early years as a transactional analyst up to the present time, sharing with us the memories of his first contacts with Berne and the TA of the origins and immersing us in the Californian cultural atmosphere of the sixties.
As we deem this material of the greatest interest for our readers, we are proud to present it in this issue of Pathways in Transactional Analysis, in both the video and written transcript versions (English and Italian).